Affiliate Bible
Welcome to the team, here you will find a breakdown of what we expect as a Chosen Few Affiliate to maximise the relationship and making the most of your Black Card membership.
@chosenfew must be included in your bio along with your choice of referal method you can include your unique discount code starting "CF" however we recommend you include your referal link this will allow followers to go directly to the website, the link will automatically utilise your discount code saving them time at checkout guaranteeing you get commission on the purchase.
All of this information can be found in your This Thing of Ours wallet, you can also allow people to scan your QR code in real life directly from your phone if you ever meet someone in the gym asking about a product you are wearing and where to purchase!
Please only use your applicable 'Tier Name' in your bio for example Tier 1 'Affiliate' or Tier 2 'Athlete'.

Quality is of the upmost importance to us as a brand, you are expected to represent the brand to the highest standards and this goes from what you are posting when directly tagging the brand.
All products should be ironed and styled in the best possible fashion to align with the brands aesthetic.
Instagram Reels & TikTok videos are recommended to maximise reach and performance on your posts.
Storie posts with a tag going to @chosenfew and a link directly utilising your referal code is highly recommended on all branded content.
Make sure pictures & videos are of high quality at all times, get creative & suprise us as those that shine in content creation will be sought out for exclusive oppourtunitys & rewards.
We expect all affiliates to like, comment & share all @chosenfew posts to maximise engagement for the brand.
You can share directly from our page to your story and once again include your link/code to generate referals.
This is espicially important when we tease or release new collections, products & events.
Utilise images from our product pages to showcase select products, often products will have both flat lay images, on model imagery & lifestyle shots to use.

We have 3 tiers that offer unique oppourtunitys and benefits such as increased cashback on all referals, bigger personal discounts, care packages, access to our exclusive gym facility and becoming the face of a campaign that could include oversea's travel & expenses paid for with the team.
You will start at Black Card Tier 1 Affiliate, once you achieve 200 referals this will automatically move you into Black Card Tier 2 Athlete and at 500 referals Black Card Tier 3 VIP territory!
We review and monitor all accounts weekly those that are not meeting expectations in terms of content creation, engagement and referals will be removed from this exclusive program.
To access your account simply visit the This Thing of Ours page or click the bubble that appears on the right side of the website featuring the membership cards. This will open up your account and in here you will be able to find your exclusive discount codes for personal use only on products plus all your links & codes to provide your followers.
If you have any issues or are confused please join the WhatsApp group below where our Affiliate manager can help you.

We've created a WhatsApp community where admins will be providing you with updates on new content and anything brand related so you can easily save & share it directly from your phones.
This will also be a place where you can also directly ask questions to help maximise your account, we will organise exclusive meet ups for Black Card members, sharing new product ideas and more.
Join Black Card WhatsApp Community